
πατητής τσιμεντοκονίας

The style of smooth concrete mortars

by temnon_admin |June 2, 2017 |0 Comments | Uncategorised | , ,

The style of smooth concrete mortars

Our company taking advantage of the great knowledge acquired throughout the years, in the field of producing high quality products, has been dealing with concreavate mortars which is available in a great variety of colors, offers great beauty and contributes to making the manual construction unique.

Concrete mortars offers a wide range of applications on surfaces of interior and exterior spaces such as floors paddling walls, staircases, baths, bathrooms and washbasins, counters, pools, fences. It can be applied after processing on every kind of horizontal and vertical surface such as concrete, masonry, plaster, marble, tiles plasterboard, wood, glass, even on metal. The final surface may be smooth or raised according to your demands.

In the last stage of the application the surface is sealed and it is made waterproof. Another benefit of concrete mortars is the hard and resistant surface because of the basic materials used. Also the colouring materials remain unspoiled as time goes by. Finally it is worth mentioning that all the necessary materials used are non toxic and friendly to the environment and human.